Please upload your file for conversion

Select the output file type

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1. Upload Expression Matrix: To harness the capabilities of the File converter, users should begin by providing the expression matrix. The first row of the matrix should contain the IDs or probe sets relevant to the data.

2. Select ID Types: After uploading the expression matrix, users will need to select the initial ID type that corresponds to the IDs used in their data. Then, they must choose the target ID type to which they wish to convert the data from the dropdown list.

3. Merging Options (Optional): If the user would like to remove the non-converted and also the duplicate IDs then they can choose the third radio button and specify whether they want to merge the duplicate IDs based on mean, variance, or eigenrow.

4. Conversion: Once the ID types and merging options (if applicable) are selected, users can initiate the conversion process by clicking the Submit button. The server will process the data, and the duration may vary, taking between 10 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on the size of the matrix.

5. View and Download Results: Upon completion of the conversion process, the results will be displayed as a new matrix. This matrix will include the user-provided IDs in the first column and the corresponding converted IDs in the second column. To conveniently store, share, or further analyze the results, users can download the entire table as a CSV file using the provided link.

7. Examples: Here are three examples to test and run.

For more information please visit the Help Page

Nothing to display, Please run the File Converter tool

Read the Instructions to understand its working

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generally takes 3-5 mins

Completed Succesfully

Please Download your file from


For your future reference, use the token



to retrieve your results, available for

  30 Days

Please Download your file from


No results found for the reference token, please check the token and resubmit

Note :: Results will automatically be removed from the servers after 30 days