Please input your IDs for conversion


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1. Input IDs: To utilize the ID converter, users can either manually input their IDs into the provided text box or upload a file containing the IDs. The IDs can be separated by common delimiters like spaces, semi-colons, commas, tabs, and more.

2. Select ID Types: Next, select the given ID type and choose the desired target ID type to which they wish to convert their IDs to from the dropdown list.

3. Conversion: After selecting the appropriate ID types, users can initiate the conversion process by clicking the Submit button. The server will process the data, which typically takes just 2 to 5 seconds.

4. Results: Upon completion, a table will be displayed, showing the user-provided IDs alongside the corresponding IDs to which they have been converted. This clear and user-friendly presentation allows for easy data interpretation.

5. Download: Users have the option to download the entire table as a CSV or Excel file, enabling them to conveniently store, share, or further analyze the converted data. Download buttons are provided above the table for quick access.

7. Examples: Here are three examples to test and run.

For more information please visit the Help Page

Nothing to display, Please run the ID Converter tool

Read the Instructions to understand its working

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generally takes less than a min